«AS KOMERK» uudised
![The summer session of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly is held in Helsinki without Russia](/img/logo.png)
Avaldatud 09. juuli 2015.a.
The decision rejecting the issue of visas to Russian diplomats covered by the EU sanctions, was made by Estonia.
![The LNG terminal is planned in Muuga port](/img/logo.png)
Avaldatud 03. juuli 2015.a.
On June 30 Estonian state-owned port operator AS Tallinna Sadam confirmed the construction of the LNG terminal in Estonian Muuga port that will receive and store liquefied natural gas transported by sea transport.
![Komerk AS “Tõusva päikese maal”](/img/logo.png)
Avaldatud 11. 2013.a.
Juhiv Jaapani laevandusteemaline ajaleht «The Japan Maritime Daily» avaldas artikli.
9. oktoobril 2013.a. ilmus ajalehes info ettevõttest, mis pakub veoste ladustamise teenuseid Eesti suurima sadama territooriumil – Muuga sadamas.