«AS KOMERK» uudised

Avaldatud 12. september 2016.a.
On the 11th of September the Central Union of agricultural people of Estonia ran an extensive campaign at the Lossi square in an attempt to draw attention of the government to the farming problems.

Avaldatud 06. september 2016.a.
Jussi Niemelainen, a journalist of the famous Finnish newspaper Helsingin Sanomat, writes in one of his reports that Toomas Hendrik Ilves, who is just about to leave his office of Estonian president, has soured relations between Estonian and Finland.

Avaldatud 29. august 2016.a.
Today, on August 29, the first stage of presidential elections takes place in Riigikogu.

Avaldatud 23. august 2016.a.
Inspite of the fact that the bulk of on-line purchases of the Estonians is Chinese goods, the statistics shows the rise of interest of Estonian buyers in European shops in the current year.

Avaldatud 17. august 2016.a.
According to the contract made on August 16 between Tax and Customs Board and Nutech company, border check points in Narva, Luhamaa and Koidula will be equipped by new scanning devices worth a total of 12,1 million euros by the end of 2017.

Avaldatud 10. august 2016.a.
In the middle of July the DBT company has informed the authorities about its intention to expand a BCT (Baltic Chemical Terminal) port terminal and to install by two additional reservoirs for ammonia and liquid fertilizer, and also a burner for ammonia vapors.

Avaldatud 02. august 2016.a.
Comparison of industrial outputs of Estonia in June 2016 and the similar period of the last year has shown a general decrease by 5%.

Avaldatud 27. juuli 2016.a.
According to officials of European Parliament, Great Britain tends to improve its already advantageous position in the EU trying to get additional discounts.

Avaldatud 18. juuli 2016.a.
International exhibition “IMHX 2016” will take place from September 13 to September 16 in Birmingham
The “IMHX 2016” exhibition is held once every three years in Birmingham and enters the largest ten industrial exhibitions of Great Britain.

Avaldatud 11. juuli 2016.a.
The “China Beijing International Logistics Expo” exhibition annually brings together representatives of more than 1000 entities of the transport and logistics sphere from more than 80 world countries.

Avaldatud 04. juuli 2016.a.
The producer of lifting equipment - Alekon Holding company which is the official representative of the group of Kranunion plants including Ardelt and Kocks Crane plants has taken part in the anniversary 15th International transport week of "Inter-TRANSPORT" held in Odessa on June 1-3, 2016.

Avaldatud 28. juuni 2016.a.
From June 27 to July 1 the Federal Veterinary and Phytosanitary Monitoring Service together with representatives of control departments of Republic of Belarus and Kazakhstan will inspect fishery enterprises of Estonia and Latvia.

Avaldatud 21. juuni 2016.a.
According to the Statistics Department, in May of 2016 compared with the same period of the last year the indices of Estonian export prices have decreased by 3% and of import prices - by 5,1%.

Avaldatud 15. juuni 2016.a.
According to statistics, cargo turnover of the Tallin port has decreased by 15,5% for the first five months compared with the same period of the last year and amounted to 10,4 million tons.

Avaldatud 07. juuni 2016.a.
Statistics Estonia released the numbers on business sector profits for the first quarter of 2016.

Avaldatud 30. mai 2016.a.
European mass media reports that European Comission President Jean-Claude Juncker has taken an invitation to attend an International economic forum which will take place 16-18 May in Saint Petersburg.

Avaldatud 24. mai 2016.a.
Based on stability of Estonian core indicators, Fitch rating agency has predicted growth of national economy in the current year by 1,8%, and in 2017 - to 2,7%.

Avaldatud 17. mai 2016.a.
Estonian manufacturers of diary products are looking forward to signing of a food safety protocol which is to be held on May 16 during the meeting between Minister of Agriculture of Estonia, Urmas Kruuse, and representatives of People’s Republic of China.

Avaldatud 11. mai 2016.a.
According to the information portal E-News, the decision to withdraw from the shareholder's structure of the Estonian company “Eesti Gaas” will be taken during the “Gazprom” Board of directors meeting on May 11.

Avaldatud 26. aprill 2016.a.
In the run up to the summer the Estonian department of veterinary and food control offer the farmers to think of the pig breeding expediency.